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Martin had kindly provided many of the photographs on Sleeping Babies.

Starting his photographic career after a number of years working as a creative director in children's TV. Martin has grown up interested in the business of children.

"part of me still feels like a kid - which means I'm quite happy rolling around in the leaves or making silly faces if it makes the kids smile"

His photography has been exhibited around the world and published on the front covers of various magazines and has recently had some work accepted in the National Portrait Gallery in London.

Martin not only takes pictures of families and kids - he is also working on a photo book about what it's like to be a dog in the recession (that's Moose on the right) and has done a fair amount of travel photography as well as some serious portraiture.

For examples of some of his other work please click here

Martin also has a site dedicated to wedding photography here.

Martin Oliver Photography

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