Baby Workshops
Welcome to sleeping babies newest venture Trouble Shooting Workshops.
Sleeping babies understand that in today’s economic climate that not everyone can afford one-to-one help for common baby issues that may occur as your precious baby develops. Nicole has got together with a few of her most experienced maternity nurses and trouble shooters to offer you and up to nine of your friends (or 5 couples), workshops on troublesome topics such as sleep issues, weaning, breastfeeding, the care of twins and multiples babies and establishing routines.
We bring Sleeping Babies workshops to the comfort of your own home, where you will feel relaxed and comfortable enough to discuss and find many solutions and strategies to your problems amongst your own friends. Sometimes just chatting amongst different families you will find new ideas and strategies that may work for you, that you have never thought about before.

Sleeping Workshops
Sleeping Babies sleep workshops are run with no more than ten people (or five couples). Two, two hour sessions are held, a week apart.
In the first session parents are taught how to establish a good sleep routine for their baby. The Sleeping Baby trouble shooter will show different ways to tackle night time waking and will give hints and tips on how to use sleep cues that are appropriate to get your baby to sleep through the night in the calmest way with the least anxiety for the baby and the parents!!!!!.
In the second session parents are able to report on their progress and to troubleshoot any issues that may have arisen through the week with the sleep consultant.

Weaning Workshops
Sleeping Babies workshop will help families to understand issues, approaches and best ways in helping babies and young children through the different stages of weaning, or moving from breast milk and formula onto suitable, nutritious food, laying the foundations of healthy eating.
- When to start weaning
- Appropriate foods
- Do’s & don't's
- Food preparation & storage
- Allergies & intolerance's
- Fussy / problem
The trouble shooter will be able to answer any problems that you are presently having with your baby and also help and give guidance with issues such as colic, reflux or allergies and food intolerance's, and guide you in the right direction for help if necessary.
Workshop rates price on application as it will vary on numbers.