Your questions answered
Please find below answers to some of the more frequently asked questions:
If you have any questions not covered here please give us a call on 0208 420 7117 and we would be happy to answer them.
Who can call themselves a Maternity Nurse and what does the term mean?
- The term ‘Maternity Nurse’ can be misleading and does not necessarily mean that the person has a nursing qualification. However, anyone working as a ‘Maternity Nurse’ should have attended a paediatric first aid course and be familiar with basic newborn and childhood ailments.
What checks does the agency make as to the suitability of a candidate?
- Any Sleeping Babies Maternity, Night Nurse or Nanny who is registered with our agency will have undergone a rigorous interview to asses their suitability and have been thoroughly reference checked, with a proven track record, plus they will be in possession of a CRB enhanced disclosure (police check).
- As stated in our terms and conditions the ultimate responsibility of employing a Sleeping Babies candidate lies with the client and we strongly recommend that you speak to at least a couple of previous clients before making a decision.
- Previous clients will be able to tell you what the individual is like as a person. You can ask any questions you may have about what they are like to have working in their home, something an agency can only do third hand.
Which type of person will be best for me?
- The type of person to suit you will depend on your personal situation and requirements and we will be happy to discuss this with you in more detail over the phone.
How far in advance do I need to book?
- Most live in Sleeping Babies Maternity Nurses get booked up very early, especially when returning to look after a second or third child. Whenever you call, we will do our best to accommodate you, though we cannot guarantee having a suitable nurse available at the last minute.
- Most Sleeping Babies Maternity Nurses will interview with several families for the same time frame, so if you find a maternity nurse who you like, we recommend that you snap her up immediately or by the time you make your decision she may well be booked up. Please bear in mind that live in Maternity nurses have limited availability for interviews so the earlier you start the process and the quicker you make your decision the better.
How much will it cost?
- Rates vary depending on the number of babies being cared for and the experience of the individual maternity nurse. Please see the rates page for current rates.
- SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s are self-employed and are paid directly by their client at the end of each week. They will usually ask for a contract and deposit at the time of booking which is non-refundable and acts as their security for the dates being held.
- Our live in SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s are sometimes available to travel outside the UK and usually add a 20% surcharge to their weekly rate.
What if I just want help at night/during the day?
- If you would prefer to have your home to yourself in the day and then have the help at night we can provide you with a SLEEPING BABIES NIGHT NURSE to cover nights at an hourly rate.
- Sometimes our team have availability during the day but this is harder to find and there is also a minimum booking period of 9 hours.
What if I don’t have space in my home to accommodate either a Live in or Nights Only SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE?
- If you feel that having another person in your home would add to your stress levels rather than reduce them you may prefer to speak to one of our newborn consultants on the phone.
- We have a selection of very experienced SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s and midwives who are available on the phone to give practical and emotional support to new parents on an ongoing basis, covering topics from establishing newborn routines and breastfeeding through to sleep training, weaning and even potty training.
What are the duties of a Live in SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE
- A live in SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE is responsible for all aspects of newborn care along with providing support and guidance to the new mother. She will teach a new mother how to care for her baby, giving advice on all aspects of baby care including feeding and hygiene. Duties also include doing the baby’s laundry, nursery cleanliness and making sure a new mother gets her rest.
- A live in SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE usually sleeps in the baby’s room and takes responsibility for night feeds. In the case of breast fed babies, the SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE takes the baby into the mother to be fed and will resettle the baby after a feed, thus limiting the disturbance to the parents.
- Please note that SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s need sleep too and will usually grab a couple of hours at a convenient time during the day.
- Live in SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s are sometimes willing to help with the care of siblings, cooking, and driving, but more typically they expect to care solely for the newborn. If you are having your 2nd or 3rd baby, and are looking for someone to ‘muck in’ then a recently qualified SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE will be a better choice as they will be more flexible.
What are the duties of a Sleeping Babies Night Nurse?
- SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s who cover nights are responsible for the night time feeds and can also help with bedtime routine. They do not stay awake all night and sleep when the baby sleeps (they require a bed/sofa bed or mattress).
- Most of our Night Nurses prefer to have the baby in the same room as them as it allows them to respond to the baby more quickly.
- Nights only SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s are not expected to do any household chores other than leave the bottles in the steriliser.
You have sent me a couple of CV’s of possible candidates, what happens next?
- If we have forwarded you any CV’s of potential candidates we will have checked that the candidate is available for the dates you have given us, confirmed that they can travel to your location and that they have the relevant experience you require. They will have expressed interest in the position and will be waiting to hear from you.
- Once you have read through the CV and references please call them directly to have an initial chat.
- If you do not contact the SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE within 24 hours of us forwarding you the CV they will assume that you are not interested in them and are likely to pursue other options.
Will I be able to meet any candidates in person before making a decision?
- When time allows we always recommend a face to face interview as it is so important for you to have confidence that the person you have booked to come into your home at such a special time is going to be able to support you.
- Please have a good chat with any potential candidates on the phone and be confident in your own mind that they are a strong contender before inviting then for an interview. Many of our team work 6 day weeks and therefore have very little free time to attend interviews, especially if they have a long way to travel.
- The interview process works both ways and if either the Client or the SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE do not feel 100% comfortable with each other, including the working environment, the dates required, and the specifics of the job then please talk to us at the agency and we will find you an alternative candidate.
- Never book a SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE unless you are absolutely sure she is the right person for your family. Trust your gut instinct, it is usually correct.
What happens at the interview?
- This is your opportunity to ask the candidate how she likes to work and for her to ask you what your expectations of her are.
- If you are undecided about how you want to feed your baby, or if you change your mind at any stage, make this clear to your SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE, her job is to support you what ever you decide to do.
- If you are keen to breast feed make sure you book a nurse with breast feeding experience, or book a one off session with a Breast feeding consultant.
- If you would like your SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE to help with non-baby chores discuss this and include details in the contract.
- Discuss how mealtimes will work – it’s ok to tell the SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE that you and your partner would like to eat alone.
- Ask her what time off would she expect for catch up sleep, what day off does she like to have, what other bookings is she committed to either side of your dates, and whether she is willing to work bank holidays? Also ask her to explain her cancellation policy.
- Some live in SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s like to ask potential clients to complete a confidential questionnaire (copies available from the office) as this helps define their role in the individual family.
- All candidates should bring their portfolio with them to their interview which should include their CV plus any original qualifications and proof of identity.
- Our aim is to match families with non-judgemental and supportive SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s who suit your individual requirements, but as each SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE has her own working style it is very important to conduct a thorough interview to get the right person. If you are Earth Mother and want to be able to feed on demand don’t book a Gina Ford fanatic!
- Although SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s do not charge for attending interviews it is appreciated if the Client offers to reimburse any travelling costs of proof of receipt.
What happens after the interview?
- In short you need to move very quickly to secure the services of a SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE once you have interviewed her. As mentioned before most SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s will be registered with other agencies and therefore have two or three other potential clients whose dates could clash with yours. SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s work on a first come first served basis.
- If you feel that the candidate is the right person for you please call us immediately so that we can secure her services for you.
- You will be asked to sign a contract of employment with the SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE who is self employed and forward her a deposit to be held against the last week of the booking period.
- Bookings are not confirmed until the SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s deposit and agency registration fee (If applicable) have been received.
- If you do not feel that you click with the SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE please let her know that you will contact us and then we can deal with the situation and suggest an alternative.
How do I pick a sensible start date for the booking?
- In our experience babies rarely arrive on schedule and we would recommend you booking a start date at least: 7 - 14 days after your due date.
- The reason we suggest waiting a week or so is that it gives you and your family time to bond and start getting to know your baby. Yes, you will be tired by the time your SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE arrives, but you will cope and if you are really struggling and your SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE is unavailable to start work before her contracted start date, we will do our best to find you suitable temporary cover.
- Another more practical reason of delaying the pre-booked start date is that unless you know you are having a C-Section you can never be sure if your baby will arrive on time.
- If you book your SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE to start on, or immediately after your due date and your baby is late, (or you stay in hospital longer than anticipated), you will be liable to pay 50% of your nurse’s salary until she can start work for you.
- Ultimately the decision you need to make is this - of the following options which would you find least inconvenient?
- Waiting a week or so for your pre-booked SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE to start/having a temporary SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE should your baby arrive early
- Booking a start date close to your due date and then having to pay your SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE a 50% retainer if your baby is late?
- Do not book anyone at all until your baby is safely home and then call us - not recommended for long term live in placement
What happens if I want to cancel a booking before it is due to start or foreshorten an existing booking?
SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE’s are self employed and as such will have their own cancellation policies.
Always discuss individual cancellation policies with your SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE before signing a contract. (Including unfortunate circumstances)
As a general guide unless a client can prove that a SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE has been negligent in her duties they will be liable to fulfil the contract as follows:
- If a Client cancels before 8 weeks of the start date, the SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE will retain the deposit (usually one weeks salary)
- If a Client cancels within 8 weeks of the start date or during the booking, in addition to the deposit the Client shall pay the SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE one week’s salary for bookings over 6 weeks.
- If a Client terminates a booking early they shall pay the SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE a pro-rata percentage of the remaining booking time. This payment shall be made to the SLEEPING BABIES MATERNITY NURSE within 48 hours of such notification.
- If a client terminates a booking within two weeks of the start date the Client will be liable to pay Sleeping Babies Agency one week agency fee.